Gothic Lemonade! As black as your soul!

Gothic Lemonade! As black as your soul!

Refreshing, healthy, tasty and black as your soul! What more can you ask for in a drink?

This Charcoal Lemonade has got the tastes and the looks! It combines two popular detoxifying ingredients and the most uplifting color! Activated charcoal is known to remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, promote clear skin and increase energy. Lemon has many of the same benefits as above, plus it helps weight loss and improves immunity. All wrapped up in pure black!

This gothic lemonade will make your day! It's super easy to make at home and you can keep it for a few days in the fridge, enjoying it sip by sip any time of the day!


Ingredients ✦

  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tbp activated charcoal*
  • 2 tbsp stevia or maple syrup
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • ice

Instructions ✦

  • Roll the lemons firmly back and forth on the countertop to make them easier to juice. Cut them in half and juice them.
  • Pour the juice into a bottle, pitcher or jar.
  • Stir the maple syrup or agave nectar into the lemon juice.
  • Add the activated charcoal* to the lemon juice.
  • Stir or shake to combine and ice.



* Important Note! Please make sure you can consume activated charcoal. Consult your health professional to ensure you’re not endangering the activity of any medications you take by using activated charcoal.


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